
    By Ben A.

Hello and welcome, I'm Ben, a travel addict, content marketing specialist and the human behind Infinitely Posh. I like hitchhiking, photography and the smell of coffee. I'm a sea lover and I really like getting to know new cultures and people. 

I created this blog in 2014 with the name: Abdelkhalekleblog, which is InfinitelyPosh now, just as a hobby, something new to explore. I’m far more interested in the technical side than the words, setting up a website from scratch was a challenge. I did it, I felt very pleased with myself and then it just snowballed. Put a technical challenge in my path and I’ll go and find a way to do it. I like learning, and always business blogging was the one that won my attention. I've always been passionate about reading blogs since 2010 I always feel the need to have an outlet as such for myself. I'm also the founder of Infinitely Posh Store, a print-on-demand shop where you can buy fun graphic designs.

Over the past six years, Infinitely Posh has worked with more than 186 brands and companies in the lifestyle/travel industry, been featured in multiple publications and continues to grow and enrich both existing new brand relations, so this blog contains paid advertisements, sponsored content, and affiliate links. All text, images, graphics, and other materials on this website are subject to copyright. All Rights Reserved. 

Welcome everyone to this small place, your daily destination for fashion, luxury travel, unisex fashion trends, street style, new collections, and a curated shopping experience. I like to interact with readers, just follow me and feel free to comment on posts you like or just come say hello.
